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Patient File ID: 003

Threat Level: Cobtion

Prescribed medication: Federal Agents

Asylum Patient
ID: 003
Name: Babybot
Threat level: Cobtion
Filed: April 28th, 2023
By: Miss Doctor Troonstein

Patient Procedures

All three letter agency agents collaborating with the Soysylum must monitor all online traffic 24/7 to search for anomalous activity. When an instance of 003 is detected, the post must be deleted and every witness have their memory wiped through meds and ██████. All posts resembling the visual manifestation of 003 (Also known as "Cacajak") must have datamining trackers embedded within to contain and suppress futher spread of the patient.

Patient Description

Patient-003 is an anomalous internet phenonema that spreads hazardous information through the means of comments disguised as randomly generated bot spam. The origin of this patient is unknown; deeper research suggests it has posted since before the existence of S██t. It is uncertain whether a creator even exists or it spontaniously appeared out of Niggerhell. Its motives have not been fact-checked yet, current efforts to contact Adam Ruins Everything for a definitive answer are ongoing.

List of incidents linked to Patient-003

A typical instance of Patient-003 predicting future events.

There have been an array of incidents before and after the discovery of 003, with varying degrees of impact. Notable ones are listed below.

Caption text
Date Location Relevant post Effect
March 11th, 1990 A usenet forum about parenthood "stroll progress delete photocopy directory admin thrembo born exercise cash lose slime version" Witnesses exhibited symptoms of the messiah complex even after application of meds, several had to be institutionalized. First documented case of 003.
October 13th, 2008 An imageboard known as 4chan "aquarium clinic axis intelligence kill old troons possibility round crouch fold brake" Those who read the post displayed behaviour not too dissimilar from transgender individuals. Rates of pedophilia skyrocketed, aswell as consumption of japanese cartoon pornography. The soysylum is still observing these individuals, some of whom are currently over the age of 30 or even 40.
December 25th, 2013 A social media site called Facebook "compound breed emphasis feed writer expenditure core poopson association summit beg" ███████████████████████████, ███████████████████████ variant known as "Cobson" █████████████████████. ██████████████████████████, ███████████████████████████████████████ 4000+ fatalities.
June 27th, 2023 An imageboard known as ██████.█████ "caca tower rally caca ample heal palm caca surround wonder heroin caca caca promotion caca" Users subjected to this post exhibited strange behaviours of "babyposting", following 003 like a cult, even creating a board for it known as /caca/. Using the special agent known as "Skibidi Toilet" most have however been successfully distracted and their memories wiped.
November 2nd, 2026 A discord server exclusively for transvestites "technique celebration asset carbon discourage attractive undermine will never be woman sodium medieval" Mass suicides followed after this message was posted in the server, with at least 41 fatalities. Coincidentally, molestation rates decreased significantly.
lake wrathful bulb swing overtake clammy red write hate unthinkable