
From The Soysylum
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Asylum Patient
ID: 1488
Name: "The Tainted Youth”
Threat level: Low
Filed: June 9, 2014
By: Ttamato

Threat level: Low


Patient-1488 is an adolescent with black hair, glasses, and hazel eyes. He is always adorning a red t-shirt with a swastika symbol on it and beige pants. Any attempts to remove these clothes result in an aggressive outburst from 1488.

Anomalous Properties

See OBJ-1488


Patient-1488 was first brought to the attention of the asoylum after the death of mass shooter Elliot Rodger, where now redacted footage shows a swastika flying out of his head. OBJ-1488 was then tracked to a 17-year old teenager named (REDACTED) from the town of (REDACTED), USA who was then brought into the asoylum, wearing a red swastika shirt and beige cargo pants.

Containment Procedures

1488, and by extension OBJ-1488, is to this day being kept in his padded cell where he is to be kept compliant by supplying him with “real meat” (run the bugs through the processor a few more times so he doesn’t notice) and Viking rock. A recent study by Dr Soystien has shown that videos of nazi marches, or speeches, played over the music of "Little Dark Age" temporarily nullified the violent tendencies of Patient-1488.