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Asylum Patient
ID: 1488
Name: "The Tainted Youth”
Threat level: Low
Filed: June 9, 2014
By: Ttamato

Threat level: Low


Patient-1488 is an adolescent with black hair, glasses, and hazel eyes. He is always adorning a red t-shirt with a swastika symbol on it and beige pants. Any attempts to remove these clothes result in an aggressive outburst from 1488.

Anomalous Properties

See OBJ-1488

While under the effects of OBJ-1488, Patient-1488 will start wearing beige shorts and a red shirt with a swastika on it. It is still unknown how 1488 obtains these clothes as no stores or delivery companies in their vicinity have claimed to carry a red shirt with a swastika, let alone sold it to the likeness of 1488. During this time 1488 will spend most of their time on alternate social media sites and image boards that tend to be meeting places for other far-right individuals. Despite the lack of exercise, 1488 will never gain any weight over the time of their possession, and in some cases will even lose weight.


Patient-1488 was first brought to the attention of the asoylum after the death of mass shooter Elliot Rodger, where now redacted footage shows a swastika flying out of his head. OBJ-1488 was then tracked to a 17-year old teenager named (REDACTED) from the town of (REDACTED), USA who was then brought into the asoylum, wearing a red swastika shirt and beige cargo pants.

Containment Procedures

1488, and by extension OBJ-1488, is to this day being kept in his padded cell where he is to be kept compliant by supplying him with “real meat” (run the bugs through the processor a few more times so he doesn’t notice) and Viking rock. A recent study by Dr Soystien has shown that videos of nazi marches, or speeches, played over the music of "Little Dark Age" temporarily nullified the violent tendencies of Patient-1488.