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Class: Soyclid

Asylum Patient
ID: 006
Name: Lawnmower Man
Threat level: Medium, Potentially High
Filed: Nov 23, 199█
By: Dr. Soymann

Containment Procedure

Patient-006 is held in an intranet server at ██████, Arizona. A faraday cage is to be installed in the room, in order to block radiation. Every week, Mr. █████ is to patch any security flaws in the ACCESS DENIED program. Every month, the server is to be reset. [RECTIFIED]

Patient-006 is to be held in an intranet server at ██████, New Mexico. Two faraday cages are to be installed, one outside the server room, and another outside the building. Personnel are to leave every electronic device at the checkpoint located at the building's exit, with non-compliance resulting in termination. Every week, the programming team is to patch any security flaws in the /calm/ therapeutic program. Every month, a team of therapists lead by a senior doctor will check in on Patient-006, through an old analog telephone, to assess progress. Several requests may be fulfilled by a Level Three Doctor, if they don't conflict with containment.


Patient-006 is a sapient entity who dwells within telecommunications networks, primarily the internet, referred to henceforth as "cyberspace". His previous identity was Jobe █████ until Dr. Soygelo implemented █████ therapy for his mental retardation. Patient-006 sought "Godhood" by fusing with the internet, which was partially successful. He engaged in activities including ruining various forums from the era and making an estimated number of Ϫ000000 prank phone calls, until the Asylum orchestrated an international blackout, and managed to contain him on a satellite. He was then funneled into a on a supercomputer and transported to █████, Ohio.

Within cyberspace, Patient-006 is able to interact with computer code, electricity and even external switches. Tests have proved that Patient-006 is able to able to maintain several positions at once, but is not omnipresent, within a network. Otherwise, he moves as fast as information flows.



4:00 AM

While Mr. █████ was performing scheduled maintenance, Doctor ██████ entered the room adjacent, to show off his brand new Nokia cellphone to his friends in the break room. Ignorant to this fact, Mr. █████ invited Doctor ██████ in after his tasks were done. Despite the containment procedure being excessively cautious, and there being no receivers on the server array, Patient-006 leapt into Doctor ██████'s phone.

The phone combusted within seconds, melting into Doctor ██████'s arm, who was rushed into the medical wing later with third-degree burns. Once Mr. █████ viewed the into server, it was apparent that Patient-006 went absent. The incident was immediately reported. Patient-006 was thought to be terminated until the Asylum's cybersecurity team found traces of Patient-006 within the Asylum's main servers.

Later that day, Patient-006 was posted onto the Asylum's Most Wanted List at priority #3. Simultaneously, the Asylum's Head Doctor, Dr. ████, received an ominous call through his office's telephone, "DO NOT DISRESPECT THE ███" This call was later confirmed to originate from Patient-006.