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Asylum Patient
ID: 007
Name: "The >Though Man"
Threat level: Safe
Filed: ████/██/██

Patient File ID: 007 "The Though Man".

Threat Level: Safe.

Containment Level: Uncontainable.

Prescribed Medication: None.

Description[edit | edit source]

The >though man is an anomalous entity that has exclusively been sighted by soysylum staff and patients only, the >though man is a 6 foot and 5 inches tall silhouette of a man wearing a hat and a trench coat. His eyes glow a dark green and he "quotes" the word that activated his eyes whenever words like "doe", "though", "albeit", etc are said in a 50 meter radius around him. It is theorised that prolonged exposure to anomalous entities is the cause of seeing the >though man. The >though man has been sighted as stalking different members of the soysylum, his first sighting was stalking soot. In which he appeared in every window soot saw for 2 years before moving onto his next victim, some stalking victims have mentioned a very quiet ringing sound when they see Patient 007. The length of stalking, where he appears and who he stalks has been shown to be completely random.

Soypecial Containment Procedures[edit | edit source]

There is no way to contain patient-007 currently.

Addendums[edit | edit source]

Addendum 01

Date: 19██/██/██

Summary : Interview with Soot about Patient 007

Dr. ██: so... could you describe this creature?

Soot: y-yeah.. he's been appearing in every window I see! His eyes glow green sometimes when I saw certain words.. a-and he's really tall! Like.. like 6 foot somethin, really scary guy..

Dr. ██: when was your first encounter with this creature?

Soot: errr... about 2 weeks ago? I was looking in the mirror and I saw him, staring back at me

Dr. ██: you have been taking your daily dose of meds, right?

Soot: yeah, I have been...

Dr. ██: has this creature done anything else besides looking at you?

Soot: err.. n-no, he's just been staring at me, just felt like telling someone..

Dr. ██: mhm.. Well, if anything else happens with the creaturbe, tell me.

Soot: uh huh...

Soot got up and left the room, staring at the window in the interview room whilst leaving.

Addendum 02

Summary : list of 007s stalking victims, where he appeared and how long he stalked them

Victims Soot Dr ██ Patient 006 ██████ Unknown Janitor-23 Patient-862 Dr ██████
Length of the stalking 2 years 6 months 4 months ████ 4 days 13 Seconds 5 weeks still being stalked as of writing
Where he appeared Windows Mirrors Text files ████████ Unknown Water reflections Hidden in images online Reflections.
Notes Soot stopped hearing humming after 6 months in contact with 007. 007 was always behind Dr ██ Patient 006 appeared in the form of ascii art. [REDACTED] None. Personally i think hes lying. - Dr ████ Everytime lee saw an image with 007, he replied with a very long rant on how he wants to kill them. Currently 007 has been stalking this victim for over 5 years.
