
From The Soysylum
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Asylum Patient
ID: 4332
Name: >deer
Threat level: Thrembo
Filed: June 31st 20XX
By: Dr. Larpson

Patient File ID: 4332

Threat Level: Thrembo

Containment Level: Safe

Containment Procedure

Patient-4332 is to be contained within a 9x6x9 meter enclosure, constructed out of a carbon-iron based keyed alloy with an inner pure iron lining and a two-door airlock with gas pumps. The patient is to be fed jellofied sproke once a month through a soundproofed tube installed within the enclosure's ceiling. Personnel must remove their ears and put on headphones before entering Patient-4332's enclosure, and they must keep the headphones on until they leave the enclosure. Under no circumstances may personnel within the enclosure remove their headphones because scary things will happen.

Personnel exposed to sounds produced by Patient-4332 must be given meds IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!

As of now, Patient-4332 is contained at Site-010's west wing.


Patient-4332 is a vantablack deer, 6 feet tall with white markings on its body, with a human head and a perpetually gaping mouth. Its eyes glow like shiny gems.

The patient is capable of very limited speech, being able to say the words "doe, though, thoughbeit, thoughever" etc., as well as "n█████ ████ ██ ███████." Anyone who hears Patient-4332's vocaroosations, no matter how far away they are, will initially experience episodes of severe paranoia, schizophrenia and other forms of retardation if untreated with meds. If left untreated for at least an hour, anyone affected will begin to reply to anything said to them exclusively with some form of the word "though". Further untreated exposure will result in ████████████ ██████ ████████ █████████, as well as █████ ███ ██ █████████ █████████████ ███ ████ or something.

Description, further properties and capture log shall be updated later when my wife's bull lets me use my 'puter again - Dr. Larpson