
From The Soysylum
Revision as of 02:22, 9 February 2024 by Niggerrapist1488 (talk | contribs) (upgraded this article a bit)
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Threat Level: Thrembo

Patient-142 was found on an abandoned warehouse in ███████, ███████, Europe. Agents who came in eye contact with Patient-142 immedietaly ceased all life functions. Personnel wore eye covering devices to retrieve patient-142.

Containment Procedures: Patient-142 must be placed in a containment cell with no ways to make eye contact with the patient, Pictures, Videos, of patient-142 must be expunged as they cause the same effect as seeing it in person.

Incident-00637 A leak by the chaos insurgency 'cord of Patient-142 caused 10,000 casualties after it was posted on the online 4chan clone "(REDACTED).Party" MTF Beta-69 (“Clitty Leakers”) were dispatched to contain Patient 142, and the Patient was placed under more strict security measures.

Asylum Patient
ID: 142
Name: ???
Threat level: Very High
Filed: 20██-██-██
By: JarFeed