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Object Class: Thrembo

Containment Procedure

Any instances of OBJ-333-1 are to be secured and researched. At least three (3) automatic turrets, loaded with 20mm DU (Depleted Uranium) munitions, are to be installed around OBJ-333-1. Knowledge of OBJ-333, among the general public, is to be suppressed when possible. Several three letter agencies are collaborative with the latter effort. Escaped instances of OBJ-333-2, unfortunately, are to be neutralized with the defensive implements around OBJ-333-1.

Object Description

OBJ-333, commonly referred to as "Niggerhell", is a hidden dimension filled with harmful phenomena, such as brimstone, dust storms, and ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️. It is theorized to be a punishment, even doe we have found valid black trans qveens, who are all OMGSISA and the paragon of virtue.

OBJ-333-1 refers to gates in between Earth and OBJ-333. The most notable and consistent gate is located in a coal mine somewhere in the Congo, Africa.

OBJ-333-2 refers to 20 foot tall nigger-like creatures who inhabit and occasionally escape from Niggerhell. They are invariably hostile to all living creatures, and should be terminated on sight. It is recommended for personnel to flee any instances due to their immense durability and lethality. They aren't patients, because they just aren't, okay?

Addendum O-333-A

Scientists have made several attempts to probe into OBJ-333.

First Attempt

A rolling unmanned drone.

Preparation: 20 Humvees, armed with miniguns, stationed outside of the gateway of OBJ-333.

Checkpoint 1

38 meters from gate. Signal is already low. Strong interference.

Checkpoint 2

90 meters from gate. Signal is lost. Drone is deemed unrecoverable. Expedition terminated.

Second Attempt

An armed expedition, involving MTF-333 "Coalers" Checkpoints are stakes capable of transmitting radio signals.

Lead by: Dr. Soystein

Personnel Count: 200

Equipment: Five tanks. Personnel are primarily armed with light machine guns and assault rifles, secondarily with grenade launchers and flamethrowers. Personnel are armed with hazard suits. Several body cams installed.

Further Preparation: 20 Humvees, armed with miniguns, stationed outside of the gateway of OBJ-333.

Checkpoint 1

79 meters from gate. Low resistance encountered. A dust storm stops the team for five minutes. Tank gets stuck for 15 minutes, but another tank manages to free it.

Checkpoint 2

111 meters from gate. 2 casualties from a cliff.

Checkpoint 3

140 meters from gate. First instance of OBJ-333-2 observed. Neutralized by tank. 1 casualty, fell into a burning coal pit.

Checkpoint 4

200 meters from gate. Expedition considered finished.

Checkpoint 3 (Return)

140 meters from gate. Team is ambushed by two instances of OBJ-333-2. Flamethrowers prove counterproductive. 30 casualties. One tank falls off a cliff during the incident. It combusts 30 seconds later.

Checkpoint 2 (Return)

111 meters from gate. A tank gets stuck. Tank crew is extracted, and the team ditches the tank.

Checkpoint 1 (Return)

79 meters from gate. Team is now at full sprint towards gate, except for Dr. Soystein.


Seven personnel missing. Dr. Soystein decides to make a rescue attempt. Three personnel recovered.