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207 is a patient at the Mental Asylum.

Patient File[edit | edit source]

Asylum Patient
ID: 207
Name: ???
Threat level: Sootclid
Filed: 2023-06-07
By: Dr. Soyswedeson

Patient-207 is a deformed humanoid male with empty eye sockets, an abnormally large mouth, and an unidentified moldy substance covering his face. He was found gnawing on an unknown worker's flesh, speculated to be Dr. Soyswedeson. Usually, he is seen scraping his cell's wall, slamming his head in the floor, and covering himself in his own blood. Eyewitness accounts speculate that the said substance in his face was obtained from ripping open a ill patient's leg, and eating it. If you see Patient-207 outside his cell, please immediately notify the staff.[1]

Unearthed Video[edit | edit source]


We have found 3 screenshots of a supposed tape of Patient-207 in its natural habitat. We cannot allow you to view the other 2 screenshots as they are too violent and traumatizing for the average viewer.
