
From The Soysylum
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Asylum Patient
ID: 2004
Name: The Manchild
Threat level: Soyfe
Filed: ██/██/2024
By: Dr. Soylent Green

Prescription: Zoloft

Containment: Patient lives in Chamber-6295 at Site-1Ϫ. The chamber is soundproof to prevent anybody being blind from his spergouts. Patient must be shown things that make him laugh like the Warner Bros logo, dancing Nokias, etc during tantrums or meltdowns. The patient's screentime is 10 hours.

Diagnoses: Autism, Synesthesia

Description: The patient is a 20 year old Russian male who rages at any mild inconvenience. The patient was born in ██/██/██04. The patient was born with parents that beat him at least 10 times a day. He laughs at completely random things like the Pixar logo and fucking bottles in car wheels. The patient was discovered in 2024 when Dr. Soylent Green found his Internet legacy and thought: >what the fuck

Incident Log, 3/14/24: [DATA EXPUNGED]