Dr. Soyowad

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Dr. Soyowad

Dr. Soyowad was employed at the Mental Asylum. He was responsible for writing many of the patient files.[1] An obese patient shat on him melting his face, he later had a breakdown, as a result of this he became an asylum patient himself. Patient-0999 [2] He has since escaped.

Dr Soyowad conversing with a mental patient[edit | edit source]

>Who’s the one with the REAL degree here bucko?
>You better start listening before I blow a hole in one in your dome
>I’m not the one who’s crazy
>Take a look in the mirror look at yourself does that look normal?
>I’m the one with authority because... I just do, ok?
>Your insurance will pay for everything worry about that later
>I will NOT let a patient boss me around!
>Just trust me
>I’ve been in your shoes
>I’m fixed now don’t worry
>Shaking? I’m not, it’s just the coffee
>Just because you take my degree off the wall does not make you the doctor
>You WILL leave a five star on yelp
>Tell the police? They won’t believe a schizo like you over me hahaha!
>Don’t make me call the nurses, you don’t like needles do you?
>I am the science.
>Nothing gets past me, NOTHING!
>Go home? This is your new home
>You WILL go back in the pod!

Citations[edit | edit source]