ID: | 002 |
Name: | Feral |
Threat level: | Terminated |
Filed: | ████/██/██ |
Patient File ID: 002 "Feral"
Threat Level: Dangerous. Terminated.[1]
Containment Level: Hard. No Containment Needed.
Prescribed Medication: Fentanyl None Needed.
Description[edit | edit source]
Patient-002 was a humanoid creature measuring 2.3 meters in height with signs of severe malnutrition, his mouth and arms are extremely out of proportion with the rest of the patients body, his arms dragging behind him 24/7 besides breaching containment.[2] and his mouth always agape. His vocal cords have shown severe damage and he had never spoken besides breaching containment incidents.[2] he was also shown to have a stubble and glasses. the patient needs total sensory deprivation or he will enter a rage state and begin to screech, after 2 minutes patient-002 will start running at 20 MPH to the nearest population center. the stopping of patient-002 is a class Ϫ priority and all non essential employees must try to stop 002 at all means necessary.
Soypecial Containment Procedures[edit | edit source]
Patient-002 was contained in a 10x10x10 meter room 150 meters under the soysylum with padded walls and a all white bed in the back corner. He was to be fed rice laced with fentanyl 3 times a day 7 times a week. no sound was to be made in a 100 meter radius around the containment cell. to ensure total sensory deprivation doctors are only allowed to enter the elevator to 002s containment with Dr Soybergs permission. cameras observing Patient-002 has shown that he sleeps 23 hours a day, when he is awake he spends most of his time eating his rations and pacing up and down his cell.
Addendums[edit | edit source]
Addendum 01
Date: 19██/██/██
Incident Summary: Mass breach of containment orchestrated by the Chaos 'Cord.
Breach of Patient-002 Transcribed:
Chaos 'Cord soldier entered the elevator to Patient-002s cell, with a syringe filled with sproke in his hand and a explosive in his other hand.
After 3 minutes, the elevator stops and opens.
The chaos 'cord places the explosive onto the door before lighting it and ducking for cover in the elevator.
Patient-002 begins to enter his rage state.
The explosive detonates, destroying the door.
The chaos 'cord soldier enters, and sticks the syringe of sproke into Patient-002.
Patient-002 begins convulsing on the floor for 30 seconds, before standing up and ████████ the chaos 'cord soldier.
Patient-002 begins running outside of its containment cell, climbing up the elevator shaft.
Patient-002 breaches the soysylum after running through 2 containment cells and a meter thick wall of steel.
Patient-002 begins turning rapidly until staring at the direction where ████████ is located.
Patient-002 begins sprinting to ██████.
Patient-002 is chased by Dr Soyberg in his soymobile, slowly catching up to patient-002.
Patient-002 is ██ miles away from ████████ when it gets rammed by the soymobile, Patient-002 gets flung 150 meters and stumbles for a moment before running to ████████ at a lower speed.
Patient-002 is met by a military chopper, █ miles away from ████████ Patient-002 gets directly hit by one of the helicopters missiles, Patient-002 was flung 300 meters away and is twitching on the ground.
Dr Soyberg jumps out of his soymobile and injects Patient-002 with a dose of fentanyl, Patient-002 falls asleep in the fetal position.
Addendum 02
Date: 20██/██/██
Incident Summary: Patient-002 Dies.
Death of Patient-002 Transcribed:
Day 1, Patient-002 shows unusual behaviour, only sleeping for 5 hours and standing still in the middle of its cell, looking up.
Day 2, Patient-002 spends the entire day standing up and looking at the ceiling whilst twitching, it collapses after 28 hours.
Day 3, Patient-002 spends most of the day smashing its head on the padded wall, only sleeping for 30 minutes.
Day 4, Patient-002 is twitching on the floor, not blinking for over an hour at a time, it does not sleep.
Day 5, Patient-002 does not show any signs of life.
Day 6, Patient-002 does not show any signs of life.
Day 7, Patient-002 does not show any signs of life.
Day 8, Patient-002 does not show any signs of life.
Day 9, Patient-002 does not show any signs of life.
Day 10, Patient-002 does not show any signs of life.
Day 11, it is only noticed now that Patient-002 has been terminated, Autopsy shows that the patient did not have ANY blood/organs in its body.
Note, i, Dr Soylent see the death of patient-002 as proof that Dr ██████ shouldnt be running this site.
Citations.[edit | edit source]
- ↑ See addendum 02.
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 See addendum 01.