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Patient File ID: 173

Asylum Patient
ID: 173
Name: N/A
Threat level: Soyclid
Filed: 3/09/89
By: Dr. Soyberg

Threat Level: Soyclid

Prescribed Medication: 432 HZ played 24/7, 1 monthly sacrifice janitor personnel.

ADDITIONAL NOTES: Patient's mental state is beyond repair. DO NOT attempt to peruse further treatment.

Patient Description[edit | edit source]

Originally located at SitePatient-173 is a humanoid statue of what appears to be a Feraljak, weighing in at an odd 1 ton, Patient-173 measures in at 167cm in height and 39cm in width. Occasionally, rabid, animal like screeches imitate from the statue in ways mainstream soyence can't explain. Other notable attributes of Patient-173 can be observed in the facial region, where two, distorted and stretched out eyes can be observed closer to the edge of the face. Along with that, a small, yet constant stream of animal blood can be observed coming out of the Patient's mouth. The mouth itself being stretched out with the incisors in specific enlarged to an uncanny extent.

The most unique part of Patient-173 is xis ability to not move when in direct eye-contact with another person. However, it has been proven that the patient will move at an alarming rate when not in direct eye contact of another person. Patient-173 also extrudes small traces of watery and clear semen when in motion, it has been theorized on why this happens, but the most peer-reviewed, widely recognized reason by verified Snopes is because before capture, Patient-173 may have been a tranny valid trxnswxman. The reason for Patient-173's Soyclid classification is because of the method it uses to terminate its victims. It will either: suffocate them to death, bite them to death, or snapping their Femur into 41 pieces. As of now, it is unknown why the patient chooses these methods of termination.

Patient Procedures[edit | edit source]

Patient-173 is to be kept in a standard anomalous-personnel cell at all times. When testing with the patient, there are to be no less than one armed personnel accompanying the teste when entering its cell. It has been noted that human sacrifices have subdued Patient-173's effects, from not extruding blood from its mouth or not moving at all. Because of this, one of our non-payed janitor personnel are to be used as a sacrifice to subdue Patient-173. Failure to carry this out will result in Patient-173's effects going back into full effect, risking a potential cell breach. When Patient-173's cell is sufficiently dirty, three (3) Palestinian, or otherwise non-Jewish personnel are to enter the cell and clean it. Of course, we let Patient-173 kill these Untermensch undesirables, as they serve to only take up valuable oxygen that 6 quadrillion Jews need to breathe.