
From The Soysylum
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Niggerhell (also known as "Euro-hours") is where almost all Niggers go when they die[1]. This is in stark contrast to Aryan Heaven, which as the name implies is where all most Aryans go when they die. Nigger hell has also been referred to when the terrorist organization hass no gems, original ideas, and more than enough forced coal to make even the strongest Chuds want to kill themselves.

Description of Niggerhell

"Deep, to unfathomable spaces deep, Descend the dark, detested paths of niggerhell, The gulphs of Jannydom and despair, of pain, and rage, and pure unmingled woe; The realms of endless bans, and seats of night, Uninterrupted night, which sees no dawn, Prodigious darkness! which receives no light, But from the sickly blaze of sulfurous flames, That cast a pale and dead reflection around, Disclosing all the desolate abyss, Dreadful beyond what soyteen thought can form, Bounded with circling seas of liquid soylent: Aloft the bubbling billows curl their heads, And form a roar along the direful strand; While ruddy cataracts from on high descent, And urge the steamy ocean's stormy rage. Impending horrors over the region frown, And weighty ruin threatens from on high; Inevitable snares, and fatal pits, And gulphs of deep perdition, wait below; Whence issue long, remedyless complaints, With endless groans, and everlasting yells. Legions of ghastly fiends fly all confused across the sickly air, And roaring horrid, shake the vast extent. Swarthy, hunchback Africans wander all around; With impious fury some aloud blaspheme (against Froot), And wildly staring upwards, curse the board: While some, with gloomy terror in their looks, Trembling all over, downward cast their eyes, And tell, in hollow groans, their deep despair." Dr. ███████, on his first (and last) expedition to Niggerhell.

Notable inhabitants of Niggerhell

NiggerKiller88's Guide to Europistan
  • Everyone I don't like or agree with.
  • You probably
  • Most Swedes
  • ████████
  • Russians
  • Estonians
  • Lithuanians
  • Belarusians
  • Ukrainians
  • Moldovans
  • Romanians
  • Georgians
  • Armenians
  • Turks
  • Cypriots
  • Greeks
  • ████stanies
  • Italians
  • Albanians
  • Macedonians
  • Bosnians
  • Kosovars
  • Monteniggers
  • Serbs
  • Croats
  • Slovenes
  • Hungarians
  • Austrians
  • Poles
  • Frenchies
  • Swiss
  • Czechs
  • Germs
  • Belgians
  • Luxembourgers
  • Slovaks
  • Dutchmen
  • Brits
  • Maltese
  • Portuguese
  • Spaniards
  • Irishmen

Connection to the Soyence

There is a disturbing link proven by peer reviewed snopes studies that usage of the soyence can spontaneously ██████ to Niggerhell, and the native inhabitants of said plane to ███████████. Studies to determine the limit are being conducted in our plane by sending inhabitants of Wakanda to Sweden with mixed results

  1. Even tho some white people go there