
From The Soysylum
Revision as of 06:18, 18 February 2024 by SprokemowerMan (talk | contribs)
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Asylum Patient
ID: 200
Name: Comfy Glowie
Threat level: Moderate
Filed: Feb 18, 2024
By: SprokemowerMan

Class: Soyfe

Containment Procedure

Patient-200is to be locked in a 15"x15"x15" padded cell. Three square meals of organic bugslop, including a side of orange juice, mixed with Sproke, are to be slipped through every day. A shielded computer running Linux is to be installed into the wall as a terminal, with a La-Z-Soy couch placed in front of it for maximum comfort. Lead shielding is to be installed on the exterior of the cell. Personnel assigned to Patient-200are to undergo a physical screening at the end of their assignment. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, tell him that he glows.


Patient-200is a human male, measuring 6 foot 5 inches in height. His skin is neon green, and he emits a glow and ionizing radiation. Any material he touches also becomes green and radioactive, including organic material. Contaminated material is considered irrecoverable and should be disposed of immediately, unless it is in Patient-200'spossession. If Patient-200touches anyone, the victim will be forced to quarantine until they can get the affected limb amputated, or until they expire. When sighting Patient-200,subjects report experiencing nausea. Upon extended periods of eye contact, other symptoms manifest, such as: Vomiting, sneezing, fatigue, shortness of breath, and blindness. These effects become more intense in darker settings, and last longer. The regular effects of ionizing radiation also occur from Patient-200and contaminated material.