Event Classifications

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These event classifications WILL be used to describe the severity of the impact a patient or anomalous object would have on the world if they were not contained. They can similarly be used to describe the severity of any past incidents.

CATTYWIPE (CW)[edit | edit source]

An even level "CW" (or Cattywipe) is an event that can be detrimental to any communities around the Soysylum. EG: An entity capable of disturbing a life-threatening image on the internet is capable of setting in-motion a CW event.

RANGEBAN (RB)[edit | edit source]

An event level "RB" (or Rangeban) can pose a credible threat not only to small communities around the Soysylum, but also larger cities such as Jerusalum or Tel Aviv. EG: Patient-142 escaping containment and contacting xis friends to turn 6 GORBILLION JEWS INTO ARABS

DROPPED HOST (DH)[edit | edit source]

An event level "DH" (or Dropped Host) WILL threaten any population center in the greater Middle Eastern (or greater Central Africa) area. EG: Patient-008 escaping containment and TRVTHNVKING any kikes or mudslimes in the area.

CAPTAIN COAL (CC)[edit | edit source]

An event level "CC" (or Captain Coal) WILL be science breaking, Earth shattering, TRVTHNVKING, TND imposing threat to all of humanity. May Soot help any who have to experience this event...

SOYPOCALYPSE (SP)[edit | edit source]

In the event of an "SP" (or Soypocalypse) all level 5+ personnel currently in the Soysylum are to report to the 'leno Bunker immediately. The world, as we know it, will either be destroyed or turn uninhabitable for 'teens and 'jaks alike. There is no stopping what's to come of this event.

CLEAN STABLE (CS)[edit | edit source]

In the event of a CS (or Clean Stable) event, all level 9+ personnel are to report to the Silo for immediate Earth evacuation. All important documents relating to the Soysylum are to either be brought with or destroyed. All patients are to be put to death via releasing the gas valves in their cells. All high-ranking Jewish officials in Israel are to also be transported to be evacuated on a separate rocket powered by Palestinian babies.