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Containment Procedure

Asylum Patient
ID: 312
Name: Splicejak
Threat level: High
Filed: March 18, 2024
By: SprokemowerMan

Patient-312 is to be contained in a 5'x5'x5' schizo cell made of reinforced steel and concrete. A fake hallway complex is to be installed around Patient-312's cell, including fake cells and fake patients. At least thirty personnel are to patrol the site, each armed with at least one vaccine in case of a breach.

While on site with Patient-312, personnel are to wear rubber masks of unknown syndrome jaks, along with a pair of sunglasses. The mask artist is to include at least one notable facial feature from a somewhat common variant. Every staff member is to be given an unique mask, as to better deceive Patient-312.

In case of a breach, personnel are to jab Patient-312 with as many vaccines as possible, until he goes unconcious. Afterwards, Grade B Copium is to be administered to Patient-312, and he is to be relocated to his containment cell. Copium Green may be administered at the Site Officer's discretion.

Staff are to check on Patient-312 every hour, and administer a small dose of meds. He is permitted to enter the site's break room twice every week, under staff supervision, and to one hour of recreation five days a week, under similar supervision.


Patient-312 is a mixed-age male comprised of two males that were fused together. He was created from a failed experiment. Besides being fused together, other altercations have been made to the two donor's bodies, presumably in an attempt to create a supersoldier.

Modifications include: bigger organs, lab-grown sensory eyes and ears, an extra unidentified organ, gene-spliced muscles, and a chemically enhanced skeletal structure. Patient-312 has an estimated grip strength of ███ kilograms, which allows him to peel any structure like an onion. This is his main method of attack.

Patient-312 has three personalities: Ty, Stephen, and Benjamin. The two main personalities - Ty and Benjamin - were physically formed by Patient-312's two seperate brains being fused together. Somehow, Stephen materialized, perhaps as a buffer between Ty and Stephen. The missing brain matter from the donors is currently considered discarded, along with the other spare biomatter.

Ty is a cheerful, but quiet, personality. He is easily discernable by his warm smile. Ty always emerges in the immediate minutes after meds are administered. Personnel are considered least at risk around Ty.

Benjamin is similarly cheerful, but his mouth is at a constant toothy grin and he laughs at nonsensical things. He is perhaps the most dominant personality. He also mocks masked staff, for appearing to be variant unknowns, calling them "brimstone" This has resulted in nine incidents, due to offended staff.

Stephen, as he calls himself, hates the normal jaks. He says they're annoying, and are way too popular. He is identified when Patient-312's face spasms and enters a shellshock-like stare. When he enters a rage state, he starts shouting "YOU RUINED ME" repeatedly and attempts to rip off the offending victim's face. So far, only █████ people have survived Stephen's rage state upon provoking it, including the leader of the experiment that created Patient-312, Dr. ███.

Of all the personalities, only Stephen knows of Patient-312's physical capabilities. Stephen also tends to seek out potential victims, even when in isolation. He doesn't attack unknown syndrome jaks, even when they impede him.

If anyone ever manages to find ███████, Patient-312 just might be cured.