Threat Level: Soymiel
Containment Procedures[edit | edit source]
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ID: | 900 |
Name: | "The Loyal Consumer" |
Threat level: | Soymiel |
Filed: | April 21st, 2024 |
By: | Ransid |
Patient-900, while not in use, is to be held in a standard padded cell measuring 10x5x10 meters, with extra concrete and steel reinforcements to prevent another ████ ████ ███████ incident. an identical apartment to room 11031 in the apartment where Patient-900 was retrieved, with the same furnishings and appliances. The holding area must be watched 24/7 by CCTV surveillance, and no fewer than 2 guards are to be posted outside of the cell entrance. Due to subject's usual cooperation and usage, if requested, and given approval by a L4 clearance, the patient may roam the asylum while accompanied by 3 guards. Usage of the subject is to be authorized only via L5 clearance and above.
Patient is to be fed a wide assortment of Marvel media through a flat-screen television in the holding apartment. This has shown to provide a "calming" effect on the subject. The actual rated quality of this media does not seem to have any impact on Patient-900, as long as it is an active federal trademark registration owned by Marvel, although the media will not work if the patient has no prior knowledge of the setting of the show and it's connection towards Marvel. The television and electricity for the cell are connected to the UPS System for Sector █. Captain America shirts are to be the only pieces of upper-body clothing worn by Patient-900. Any form of merchandise requested by the patient must be provided as long as it is within reason. Any and all digital media or streaming devices located in Patient-900's cell should in no circumstances be connected to the internet.
While subject is in use, it is to be closely monitored via satellite relay with an embedded microchip located near the temple. All known 900-B instances are to be incinerated immediately, without knowledge from Patient-900.
Patient Description[edit | edit source]
Patient-900 is a middle-aged Caucasian individual who identifies as male, who currently is ███████ originating from ███████ ██████, Florida. Patient is approximately 158cm in height weighs ██ kilograms, and possesses very little body hair or muscle. Subject wears a 'Captain America' shirt.
Behavior[edit | edit source]
The patient is relatively docile and it's behavior is almost identical to that of a normal Marvel obsessed soyjak, with the subject obeying most orders and commands given to it. It expresses no desire to escape, so long as it's needs are met. The subject often times requests for comics and figures, and it has been observed favoring female characters, and it has also been recorded perfectly emulating media consumed within the past 2 to ██ hours, whether it be through arranging it's 'Funko Pops' which emulate characters and scenes from the Marvel 'cinematic universe' in a various manner, or via vocalization. Patient-900 as well as all 900-B instances have been observed to participate in the Slowburn.
Patient-900 holds extreme disdain towards individuals who criticize the Marvel likeness or it's consumers. Subjects who are recognized by Patient-900 will hereby be referred to as 900-A. Upon activation, the patient will rapidly approach 900-A's last known location. Despite seemingly impossible to do so, subject has shown to be able to reach speeds that range from 22 to approximately 200 km/h , depending on how patients rage is induced. During this state, it is noted that the subject does not seem to have any anomalous physical strength other than than the energy needed to accelerate itself to this speed. Upon contact with 900-A, Patient-900 will begin to █████████ and ███████ target, later excreting them through it's ████████ as ██████████████ , classified as 900-B. 900-B instances are generally not hostile, and possess behavior similar to the subject, although it seems only Patient-900 is triggered . Despite this, individuals who are within a 60 meter radius of 900-B instances later experience effects similar to the █████████ that 900-B instances originate from after 20 minutes. It's effects are not halted by physical matter, and this has resulted in the loss of 2 guards 4 soyentists, and █ members of the MJF Unit BP-1312 ("Bad Piggies"). These effects have also been shown to be memetic, impacting individuals who observe 900-B instances through any form of video, live or recorded. Transformation times range from 12 minutes to █ weeks. Due to the possibility of a Dropped Host event, all instances of 900-B are to be terminated (see above). Individuals known to have had contact with 900-B are to be immediately moved away from the effects of the instance and quarantined for 2 weeks.
LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED[edit | edit source]
Usage[edit | edit source]
Despite the initial response that the subject was a normal soyjak, and that it needs no treatment, Dr. Soystein showed evidence for the missed potential for use of the subject. Patient-900 has been shown to be particularly useful in the elimination of right-wing extremists and misinformation spreaders who present a danger to the Soysylum, and The Science as a whole. As of this date, Patient-900 has neutralized ██ chuds. Usage has been authorized by the NSA and also the Mossad on Islamic folks. Patient-900 may be coerced to activate via the promise of more 'Funko Pops' or showing AI generated images and/or audio of 900-A attacking the Marvel franchise. Discussions have been made about whether or not to use Patient-900 to secure other Patients more effectively.
Addendum 1/3/████[edit | edit source]
Further research is pending on the development of a form of advanced SRMD in Patient-900 due to limited allotted expenditures for research from the IDF.