Soyjake also known as Soyelfe was a sharty politician during the soylection, in which he lost. After the soylection, he pursued a career in being a soyentist, where he served under Daddy Fauci and manufactured Vaccines to eliminate Chuds and 4chud.
He was quoted saying "I made all of those vaccines to either poison Cobson, or kill all chvds" unluckily for him, Dr. Soystein found out and repeatedly beat him and put him in prison.
Death[edit | edit source]
In prison, soyjake was found by the sharty, and Froot had a janny use a flamethrower on him, killing him by burning. Some say that he deserved his death, since he leeched off cobson during the soylection, others (such as NEVERGOON, a soyteen) say he was innocent, and should have been able to live to see the soylection results.
Legacy[edit | edit source]
He is now remembered as just "that guy that leeched off cobson" AND, instead of being remembered for his heckin epic science, he is remembered for scamming and demanding everyone be ACKKED
Political Policies[edit | edit source]
He had multiple policies, but when it came down to it, he just wanted people he disliked attacked and ACKKED
COVID-19 relation[edit | edit source]
He somehow started the Corona virus in 2019, according to a soyteen, this is false (fact checked by Snopes) but, he still wanted to bring back the virus with his policies (fact checked by snopes as TRVE)
Additional info[edit | edit source]
There is not much know about him, so this is what is known so far