MJF BP-1312 "Bad Piggies"

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Mobile Jak Force Unit BP-1312

"Bad Piggies"


a soyjak cop
An undercover member of the New ████ Police Department.

Location: New ████, United States

Date Created: ██, E█, 1996

Member Count: █████


"Bad Piggies" - 1312 is an undercover unit for the New ████ Police Department. While this is not the only base of operation, Unit 1312 operates across the United States, and the ██████████ ███████████ is the main headquarters. Agents are also undercover in the FBI and ███. If any civilians see a schizoid or anomalous object, they are to be detained and treated with Grade-A Copium. In cases of extreme emergencies, units may be transferred to divisions such as MJF FJ-41 "Total Patient Death" for their crowd control and weapons handling skills. Agents are less likely to be selected if they are more privileged, due to equality and social change following the 2020-2022 George Floyd Protests.

The purpose of this group is to have a firm grasp on locating and detaining soyteens in densely populated urban areas in the U.S. Members are usually undercover police officers sent on normal cases, for the express purpose of capturing any schizos in case an agent encounters one in the field while doing normal police and/or investigation duty. BP-1312 serves only the Soysylum, and is not affiliated or working for any others groups of interest. Upon discovery of an individual who needs rehabilitation, agents will attempt to gain custody and wipe the records of the person or persons who are arrested from the police department with as little suspicion as possible. If this is not found to be possible, then agents of BP-1312 higher on the chain of command will take these individuals away on the guise of "relocation". There are also some police departments which are made up of more than 90% undercover MJF BP-1312 units.


Unit BP-1312 has retrieved multiple patients and objects, with varying levels of success.

Subject Description
Patient-221 Located by agents undercover in the Cleveland Police Department in East Cleveland, Ohio.
Patient-009 Detained by agents in the █████ police department after reports of assault on passersby due to a obese man talking about a communist revolution.
OBJ-1163 Discovered after large reports of rioting near a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Jackson, Mississippi. Riot teams were called, and the object was discovered after the last of the rioters had been incapacitated. 4 African-American agents lost due to object.
Patient-900 Located by agents in the apartment block of █████, █████ City, after responding to a call of a "noise complaint". There, they found 9 instances of 900-B alongside it and lost ██% of the agents sent.
OBJ-9999 Contained by agents after 3 civilians, 7 non-affiliated SWAT, and 6 agents were taken and █████████ into it's ████████████. News media coverage wiped through the efforts of the SNCAE Division.


Below are a listed list of important events that MJF BP-1312 has been involved in.

Incident : 8/12/2002

After getting 9-11 calls about a large group of "little gremlins" under a synagogue from Jewish rabbis, agents were met with ██ instances of Patient-067-1 which were hollowing out the dimensions of the building under the floorboards. The Fingerboys then charged at the 4 officers when discovered, resulting in 2 out of 3 agents being deceased, with 1 unaffiliated officer. The last agent, who was mortally wounded, radioed for help, before being consumed by the large amount of Fingerboys. Backup arrived and neutralized 80% of the instances before they retreated into a smaller tunnel, which agents could not crawl through. This incident was reported to the central Soysylum command, and was the second recorded instance of the Fingerboys, preceding the ███-█ event.