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Anomalous Object
ID: 041
Name: "The Hanged Man"
Threat level: Sootclid
Filed: May 3 2024
By: Dr. Soigeacescu

Special Containment Procedures

OBJ-041 is to be hashbanned from all known imageboards and social media platforms. Should OBJ-041 escape containment and be posted to one of the aforementioned sites, it is to be deleted at once, its poster taken into CIA custody, and any viewers of it treated with Copium.


OBJ-041 is a drawing of an adult male soyjak with purple hair and a shirt with blue, pink, and white stripes. The figure is depicted as hanging from a noose, and has bloodshot eyes, yellowed teeth, and a swollen purple tongue lolling out of its mouth. It has cognitohazardous effects upon soyjaks identifying as male-to-female transgender. Should such an individual be exposed to OBJ-041, they will be afflicted with severe gender dysphoria, which invariably[1] typically results in the victim taking their own life. No testing has yet been done regarding OBJ-041's effects or lack thereof upon female-to-male transgender soyjaks.

Incident 041-1

On ██/██/20██, OBJ-041 was released into a thread on █████, an imageboard popular among LGBTQA-identifying individuals. The culprit, our very own Dr. ███████ was promptly apprehended and sentenced to 88 hours of BBC therapy, and the post wiped from the site's servers, but not before being seen by Ϫ of the site's users, consequentially sending them into deep depression. While most victims would kill themselves, one exhibited an unusual response. The user in question, henceforth known as SoI-0205191404, would undergo a process of detransitioning, and relinquish their feminine gender identity in favor of accepting their male sex. As of ██/██/20██, SoI-0205191404 has exhibited no sign of either transgenderism or depression. No other OBJ-041 victim has been known to detransition in place of suicide, rendering this a unique case.

  1. See Incident 041-1
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