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Object File ID: 2021

Threat Level: Soyfe

Anomalous Object
ID: 2021
Name: The vaccine
Threat level: Soyfe
Filed: February 13 2024
By: Velok

Containment Procedures[edit | edit source]

OBJ-2021 is to be contained in a fridge maintaining a temperature between 2°C an 8°C, It is to be placed an empty room with standard temperature conditions, No contact is advised untill further trials.

Object Description[edit | edit source]

OBJ-2021 is a greenish white liquid present in a small syringe, The chemical composition of the liquid is unknown.

It was first sighted in ████ ██ 2021 as a part of a heavy health campaign concerning a disease outbreak, However, it is suggested to have existed way before

Upon normal injection the patient is reported to experience usual side effects (slight nausea followed by vomiting) However after a period of time the patient experiences violent symptoms that vary greatly according to dosage [see addendum-2021-A, addendum-2021-B, addendum-2021-C, addendum-2021-X]

Addendum-2021-A:[edit | edit source]

Trial 1:

Patient 1: [██ Male]The patient was injected with a placebo, slight hunger, Prolonged excretion session followed by vomiting, The patient was angry as he wasn't given any reward, It was part of the volunteering or something

Patient 2: [██ Male]The patient was injected with a small dosage of OBJ-2021:

[5 days]: Reported fever,

[11 days]: The fever is gone not much happens afterwards.

Addendum-2021-B:[edit | edit source]

Trial 2:

Patient: [██ ████████]The patient was injected with the effective dosage of OBJ-2021:

[6 minutes]: Immediate vomiting

[1 hour]: The vomiting stops blood was found

[12 hours]: The patient loses function of his arm (the one where OBJ-2021 was injected)

[8 days]: The patient experiences a massive IQ drop followed by severe asperger's symptoms


[10 days]: The patient's arm starts working again, Xheir IQ stabilizes at a slightly lower number than it was pre-injection, the status of xheir asperger's is unknown, although the patient insists that it has gone away.

Addendum-2021-C:[edit | edit source]

Trial 3:

Patient: [████████]The patient was injected with the recommended dosage of OBJ-2021:

[5 minutes]: Immediate seizures, extreme vomiting, very violent

[10 minutes]: The patient's begging to be killed, xis requests won't be fulfilled.

[1 hours]: Extremely powerful local hallucinations, at this moment the patient is theorized to have caught medical schizophrenia

[2 days]: The patient's heart stabilizes after stopping for 2 minutes The schizophrenia is gone but the seizures continue.

[3 days]: The patient's skin starts glowing although radioactive substances were nowhere to be found in xis body

[7 days]:████████████████████████████

[14 days]: The patient's life goes back to normal what a fucking loser.

Addendum-2021-X:[edit | edit source]

Trial Ϫ:

███████: [██████████████] The patient was injected with a high dosage of OBJ-2021:

[1 second]: The patient's pupils dilate

[8 seconds]: The patient starts seething

[27 seconds]: The patient starts attacking everyone around XxXm

[1 minute]: ██████████

[2 minutes]: The patient is locked in the containment room.

[3 minutes]: The patient starts screaming.

[4 minutes]: The trial is terminated.

OBJ-2021 is part of a series on
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