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Anomalous Object
ID: 294
Name: The Coffee Machine
Threat level: Sootclid
Filed: March 18th, 2001
By: Dr. Archivist

Special Containment Procedures[edit | edit source]

No containment procedures are currently in place. However, OBJ-294 should only be accessed by doctors with clearance level 2 or higher while being guarded by 3 guards at all time. Currently, OBJ-294 is stored in the doctor break room.

Description[edit | edit source]

OBJ-294 is a standard coffee machine, with the only difference that it has a English QWERTY keyboard and that it runs a regular version of Linux. If fifty cents are deposited, OBJ-294 will turn on with text on it saying "Type in your drink". When this was discovered, there were 12 test logs, in which it disposed drinks within a 100-mile radius such as Sproke, water, meds and many more.

After fifteen uses, OBJ-294 will no longer run for 90 minutes. Oddly, after 90 minutes, OBJ-294 would restock. Many caustic liquids, such as acid having no effect on the cup from OBJ-294.

Testing Log[edit | edit source]

06/01/2001[edit | edit source]

Subject: Patient-009

Date: June 1st, 2001

Drink: Sproke

Researcher: Dr. Soyberg

Effects: Upon drinking the Sproke, subject felt extremely satisfied and kept saying things like "THIS DRINK IS A GEM OR SOMETHING!". The effects would wear out a hour later, and the patient was given meds.

08/15/2001[edit | edit source]

Subject: Patient-5007

Date: August 15th, 2001

Drink: /calm/

Researcher: Dr. Soyowicz

Effects: When patient drank a cup of /calm/, the subject turned blue and felt very relieved and effects of schizophrenia did not show. After a few seconds, the patient would collapse. A few minutes later, the subject woke up and the effects wore off.

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